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Biennial MArteLive

The MArteLive Biennial is a massive wave of events and culture that hits Italy every two years in December with its epicentre in Rome.

For each edition, about 1,000 Italian and international artists perform for a total of over 300 shows in about 70 locations scattered throughout the Lazio region.

The beating heart of the event is the MArteLive Total Show in its historical format which, since 2011, along with the Biennial, has witnessed an amazing evolution on a regional scale.

Special Projects

The strength of the MArteLive Biennial lies in the articulation of several special projects such as:

  • Open Gallery, a network of over 20 art galleries exceptionally opening at night during the event and the chance to exhibite to young emerging artists;
  • SU:ggestiva, “pure music for extraordinary places” as the claims says. Suggestiva brings musical events in particular locations with a great emotional impact and astory tell, such as the “Auditorium di Mecenate”,  the “Grotta di sale Sant’Agnese”, the “Vallicelliana Library” and the “Methodist Church in Rome”;
  • Danza Verticale, a spectacular dance show held on the facade of  the historic WeGil building in Trastevere, in the heart of Rome
  • Green Legacy, an audio-visual format resulting from the collaboration between humans and plants; 
  • #ALTRNTV, a concert series of alternative, indie and underground music in collaboration with national promoters, booking agencies and record labels such as La Tempesta, BPM, MEI with Musical Materials, and many others; 
  • The Night of the Libraries, were the best libraries of Rome change their mission for one night and host art installations, talks, performances and musical events;
  • Street Arts for Rights, which involves the creation of street art works with a strong social impact at the International Women’s House and in suburban neighborhoods;
  • Art has no bars, a social initiative that brings shows and cultural events in prisons; 
  • Performativa, series of contemporary theater events,  circus and dance performances;
  • LiteraturaViva, with workshops and editorial presentations of new works by emerging writers 